Green Schools

Green Schools

Our children are the future, and it is vital that they are educated about the environment and the ongoing concerns related to it. Through creating green practices and raising awareness about environmental issues, children will learn about where our food is coming from, how our air is becoming polluted and what needs to be done to save our planet.

Green School Project

The Green Schools Programme’s objective is to inspire students to move beyond theories and textbooks and concentrate solely on 'doing' It is an environmental extra curriculum programme directed to subtly sensitizing students toward fellow inhabitants of our planet and to the environment through hands-on and thought provoking activities.

The Sustainable Green School Model is about a school with green backyard orchards, agroforestry, vegetable and kitchen gardens, a herbal garden, a school that’s clean and green, a school which promotes environmental conversations, protection and green extra curriculum projects and activities. A green school may also create it’s own alternate green energy (i.e. solar energy).


  • Creating a Green Committee
  • Installing rainwater harvesting systems
  • Tree plantations
  • Best out of waste workshop
  • Birds house & Birdfeeder making workshop
  • Kitchen garden installation
  • Clean up drive
  • Organize discussion, debates and competitions
  • Many other initiatives

Go Green Kids

An innovative effort to save Mother Nature

Go GREEN Kids is a unique, innovative initiative to sensitize and educate school children towards environmental protection and improvement. We believe that the younger generation is our future and has the potential to become change makers. It is this belief that fuels our campaign, and we have opted a unique retrograde approach to save mother earth, where children will teach and inspire their parents, elders, teachers and friends by adopting a green 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) lifestyle. By learning how to protect, save and improve the environment, they will inspire those around them to reduce pollution and contribute towards a greener life and society.

What we do

We organize different kinds of interactive events and activities in schools to preserve Mother Nature and humanity, such as tree plantations, clean up drives, spot fixes, site visits, environmental documentary shows, old stuff collection drives ( including notebooks, clothes, shoes etc.), audio visual presentations and workshops (e.g. change you can bring, Green birthday celebration, how to go green in daily life, best out of waste, clay Ganesha workshops).

  • Impact

    We have organized thousands of presentations, workshops and activities reaching out to more than 50 lakh students across India through associations and partnerships with thousands of schools.

    Partner With Us

    Schools from across India can be part of Go GREEN Kids project. As a partner, your school will gain many valuable benefits. If you want to organize Go GREEN Kids activities mentioned above in your school, please write or call us for further details.